Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday, 22 November 2008
In Memory of a Beautiful, Spectacular, Wonderful, Emotional Day

Praise God for all He has done, all He has brought us through, for the joy, the laughter, the love, and today: the tears, as we bade our play goodbye...

It's over. I'd better not think of that t
oo much otherwise I'll start crying again. I've already cried all my makeup off. I started bawling right from when we reached the foyer after marching up the auditorium. Hugging everyone, taking teary-eyed, teary-faced pictures, all the celebration, all the cheers...

I'll never forget this play, especially these last 3 days. There're no words to describe the whole experience in its entirety. I can only keep these feelings close to my heart; one of the most precious times in my life. It wasn't all smooth, wasn't all easy, but the hard, hard work we did, and all the glitches that we managed to overcome made it just so much more memorable. I only wish I had said "Just throw it in the fire" to Meg, about Brooke's satchel. :]

I can't tell of all the things that happened in the play here, because there would be far too much to write. But here, just so you know how special it was, and always will be to me, I'll tell you this: to commemorate the play, tomorrow to church, I will wear the skirt the mom made for me. Also because Rachel, my best friend, is here to see it. Plus I'm in an emotional state, and therefore not thinking clearly, because if I was, there'd be no way I'd wear a skirt. Besides, it's black, and I shall be mourning for the play.

Glory to God in the highest!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here it is.

A moment that used to seem so far away; something I thought would take it's own sweet time to get here, with me impatiently awaiting its arrival. But no, it has come faster than I realized. It's tomorrow, the play.

All the way back in 8th grade, when I first came to ICS and was a pickpocket in the Oliver musical, I thought I saw such a long, 4-year acting career before me. So many opportunities. So much to do, wow, imagine when I'm like that someday, in 11th grade, 12th grade. Will I get a main role? What must it feel like? Those older kids are so awesome, I hope to be like them someday.

And, well...

Look. It's here.

Already. I can't believe it. It feels so different when the moment's actually here, than when it's some where far off in the ambiguous distance. When you're envisioning something for the future, you can imagine all the glory, and the storybook-like drama to it. But when time has actually brought it right to you, it becomes your reality, part of your day-to-day life, no longer a castle in the air. I don't feel like a "great, awesome older kid", like the ones I used to look up to so much a few years ago. This doesn't feel like some great, glorious, fantastically glamorous thing that I'm doing. I'm just me, and this is just what I'm doing.

But oh, no, don't be mistaken and think that I'm complaining and saying that my dreams of past haven't turned out to be what I thought they would. Not in the least! This reality is beautiful, and is so heart-wrenchingly close to me, that it's gonna be hard to let go of the play after these last few days are over.

I just pray that God will be glorified in the way we use the talents he's given us, in the friendships that have been forged, tested and strengthened both on and off-stage, and also in the morals and lessons that the story will impart to the audience. I pray that He'll be delighted with us, and let His hand be on this play, and honor all the work and heart that has gone into it.

It's been a good 13 or 14 weeks of work, and I've enjoyed every. single. step. (I'm so gonna cry when this is over.)
May these next three days be the
most fulfilling of them all!!

(and Rachel is here from Singapore tonight! She says hi~ ^^ Just the same way that I can't believe that the play is here, she can't believe she's here either, hahaha. =D)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's a big week coming up for me!

If the play hadn't been postponed for the Princess's cremation, it's be all finished by now. Think of that. O_O

Thank goodness for the cremation. I don't want the play to end. =]

So, the drama that we've put so much time, heart, and effort into over the last 12 weeks or more is about to come to a head. The character that I've waited for 2 years to be, that I've slowly been bringing to life these last few months, is about to be shown off in just a few more days. And then... she'll be gone.


This week's gonna be insane, I anticipate. Rehearsals are meant to be until 7 pm, but we're told to "be prepared to stay till 9". My grades are gonna drop some... but it's okay, I'll put them back up after the play. How fun, tho! Staying at school till that late with people I love. ^^

Sorry, Rach. Wish I'd seen earlier that next Tues is a holiday, then you could've stayed till Wednesday. Sigh. Guess we'll just have to cram all our yakking into the few days that we do have, then. =P

Since Friday, I've resolved to watch at least parts of the Little Women movie, everyday, for the benefit of my character. Lol, yes, I am that dedicated to the play.