Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A lot of stuff to report today!

1) Rainbow
Yesterday Jana saw a part-rainbow, and mused out loud that she had never seen a full half-circle one before. This morning, after last night's heavy rain, there was a HUUGE full rainbow! Right next to it was another complete one, which must've been it's reflection, because the colors were in reverse order (red on the bottom, purples on the top). =) I guess you could kinda use that as an example of how God cares about out little thoughts and wants, even when we don't even think them big enough to be prayed for. And when He answers prayer, He gives not just what you hoped for, but He gives it in abundance.

I got a picture of it but I'll put that up another time. ^^

2) Political unrest! (Again. = =)
There've been some protests quietly going for the last 100 days or so, apparently. I think I may have mentioned a time, in one of my earlier posts, that there were demonstrations and the like going on. So yeah, it's been going since around/before then, the protestors all gathered outside the government house and refusing to leave. But in the last few days, the situation has gotten increasingly tense. Today (Tuesday) at about 2 am, there was a clash, and someone actually got killed. So Thailand is now officially in a "state of emergency".

The first we heard of it in school was when there was an announcement to cancel all of today's after-school sports practices/games. Then we heard that they were all cancelled for the week, including aany other after-sch activites. So no drama for me. =(

But anyway, at 4th period, we were told that a lot of other schools (both Thai and international) were closing for a few days, because we don't want the students who live downtown to get caught in any potential violence on their way to and from school. By lunch time, we were all making bets on whether our school'd close or not. XD Fifth (last) period, we all received letters home to our parents saying that YES, school would be closed on Wednesday. And if the situation did not improve, we'd close for Thursday, taking it a day at a time.

Some of the things I've heard are that the public buses have all been cancelled; there're only "800 cream-colored buses" left... and they're the ones providing free transport to the rally. (HAHA! XP) The protest party is going to cut electricity and water to the government buildings, and politicians' homes... yadda yadda.

If you're in Singapore or anywhere else, concerned for the safety of my family, myself, or my friends, I don't think there's need for that. If anything, pray that not more violence will break out down where the protests are. We're all safe at home, and where I live is nowhere near the protest site. Hopefully none of us are dumb enough to go downtown for "shopping" during tmr's day off.

Some of the protest stories are pretty funny though! Like the one where the protestors (like the leaders, or whoever) were asking for donations of lingerie (= =, yes I know), because it had rained, and all the protestors got wet but didn't wanna go home and change. [Some live pretty far away, maybe in a different province.] And they asked for large sizes because "some of our protestors are older, larger ladies". And then they told the protestors to NOT throw away their old underclothes, because they plan to collect them all and send them to the prime minister. =3

3) Storm warnings
Here's something else to laugh at. Big storms and heavy flooding are expected soon, and apparently, measurements that the authorities have taken to deal with it arrRRRE?

Sending out a group of religious leaders to pray, so they storm won't come. :)))) Heeheeeeeeee.

It hasn't come as a big surprise, but I can't say I'm terribly pleased about it either. =( =| =\ Someone has bought this apartment from our landlord, and the reduced rent that we're paying right now is not what he'd like. I mean, not like we're being kicked out or anything. We did agree to move if someone else came along and offered our landlord a better deal. So yeah, tomorrow we're gonna see a house, dee da dee da. I hope we move only AFTER Rachel comes in Nov. :S Hahaha. The Seahs keep just-missing being able to see our apartment.


I guess I'm kinda glad for this impromptu holiday. Work's been heavy, and even though it's only the middle of the week, I really can use this bit of rest. =) Well, still a lot of homework to do, but yeah. Although we're missing some important drama practices... hahahah.

Nitez!~ <3

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