Sunday, August 24, 2008


Did most of my homework in the earlier part of the day, and after lunch wanted my help with going somewhere to pick up a plastic toy house for the little kiddiegarteners.

Then we went to Central to get some stationary supplies and groceries.. ah, moving around in the grocery store (TOPS Supermarket) is like driving, but walking. There're so many trolleys around, and when coming out of a lane, you gotta indicate which way you're gonna turn, then you gotta slowly nudge your way out until there's a safe opening for you to take.

In the bathroom at Central, they had these advertising things... if you're standing in front of it, which the sensor will detect, the light switches off, so the panel serves as a mirror. When the coast is clear, the light comes on and you can see the advert.

The grass on our school soccer field's lookin' good!!

We came home pretty late, and I was doing some other stuff like preparing for yth worship, wrapping my textbooks, etc. If I'd blogged yesterday about yesterday, I would've had quite a lot more to say. But since today has come, with surprises of it's own, yesterday is but a rather short list of consecutive events, easily encapsulated in a few sentences.

Church tiimme. The youth service (worship, in particular... the part I was in charge of) went surprisingly well even though I felt we hadn't had enough practice time. Sorta like what my dad likes to say: "Looking at all our mess-ups, God has more built His church despite us, rather than through us." Glory to God, oh definitely, today.

Here're pictures, picturess~

Some of the "youthfuler-youth", as Nathan referred to them.

My Little-Woman-youngest-sister, Amy. Rissa. =)

Practicing the skit

Elliot turned around right as the shutter closed. Brill! Hahahah. XD

Tim and Ben Talbot. It still goofs me up to see both of them together, when I've been used to seeing only one. It's like there's suddenly two of the same person.

Tim and Caleb, who'll be playing the part of Laurie in the drama

The youthfuler youth performing their special music item during offering


Another group of youths did a skit, but I'll post that vid tmr cuz I gotta sleep now.

After church all the youths (and some of the parents) went out for lunch together. It was like what we did last month, same place, but this time there were a lot more people, I think almost 50 people? =)

Haha, yes, Jeremy Tan. A lot of ang mohs.

Today I discovered that I can now make myself cry for the sake of acting, hahahah. :D At last week's auditions for Little Women, I was surprised that I was starting to cry a little at one emotional scene we had to read. This afternoon, I was again caught off guard by how easily I started to tear when I read Beth's death scene in my script. I decided to see how far I could take those acting emotions... and pretty much ended up bawling over my "dead sister". :) This is coooooool.

Tomorrow's my real sister's bday tho. Jana's turning 9! Already, wow. It's her last few hours as an 8 year ollllld....

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