Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quick post, quick post, gotta sleep in a few minutes, still haven't showered.

Today I got all my school work done by 3.30. Feel very accomplished. :) :) But then I got distracted by msn and chatting with pplz and catching up with David Shim -whom I haven't seen in roughly 10 years but recently got into contact with on fb- so I lagged on the other work I was planning to do today. Also, today my dad's classmate from ACS who's a fantastic musician, is staying with us. After lunch, he and two other musicians from church came over and jammed for hours. I eventually joined them, thus eliminating any possiblity of completing the other tasks I had set before me today.

We breaked for dinner, then went back to jamming. In fact, we just ended half an hour ago... 11+pm. Which is why I gotta rush this. But it was fantastic fun! :D

To make up for such a short post, here's a funny smth I koped from De Qi's blog. Thanks DQ, hehe. ^^

'Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes' directions:
read these out loud

(English Phrase) I think you need a facelift

(Chinese Phrase) Chin Tu Fat

(English Phrase) Are you hiding a fugitive?

(Chinese Phrase) Hu Yu Hai Ding?

(English Phrase) See me A.S.A.P.

(Chinese Phrase) Kum Hia Nao

(English Phrase) Stupid Man

(Chinese Phrase) Dum Gai

(English Phrase) Small Horse

(Chinese Phrase) Tai Ni Po Ni

(English Phrase) Did you go to the beach?

(Chinese Phrase) Wai Yu So Tan?

(English Phrase) I bumped into a coffee table

(Chinese Phrase) Ai Bang Mai Ni

(English Phrase) It's very dark in here

(Chinese Phrase) Wai So Dim

(English Phrase) This is a tow away zone

(Chinese Phrase) No Pah King

(English Phrase) You are not very bright

(Chinese Phrase) Yu So Dum

(English Phrase) I got this for free

(Chinese Phrase) Ai No Pei

(English Phrase) I am not guilty!

(Chinese Phrase) Wai Hang Mi?

(English Phrase) Please stay a while longer

(Chinese Phrase) Wai Go Nao?

(English Phrase) They have arrived

(Chinese Phrase) Hai Dei Kum.

(English Phrase) Stay out of sight

(Chinese Phrase) Lei Lo

(English Phrase) He's cleaning his automobile

(Chinese Phrase) Wa Sing Ka.

(English Phrase) Your body odor is offensive

(Chinese Phrase) Yu Stin Ki

(English Phrase) I thought you were on a diet?

(Chinese Phrase) Wai Yu Mun Ching?

If you didn't get it, you won't get it. If you did, hopefully you had as good a laugh as I did. ^^ ~Night!

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