Sunday, October 19, 2008


Back to blogging, back to Singapore. Oh blessed holidays~! ^^

I've been gone a loong loooong time... no, not meaning all this time on that church camp that I mentioned in my last post. Just been way too busy with school and drama and SC. And during what free time I had, I was too tired to put together a coherent blog entry.

But finally, here I am, and I just wanna note 2 things that have happened, so next time I can read this post and rmb.

-Basketball/sleepover with Joanna, RA, and Becky~
-(14th Oct '08) Drama prac ended early, had a good chat with *. :)

Right now I'm in Singapore~~~~ We arrived on Saturday night, after I took the PSAT back in school on Sat morning. Stayed over at the Seahs' house... had an awesome time (as always!), chatting and catching up, being stupid, being serious, youtube-ing...

ah, and then I realized that I'd forgotten to pack my sleeping clothes. I mean, not just to the Seahs' place. I mean that I completely forgot to bring sleeping clothes with me from Bangkok to Sg. Yup, that's right. ALL HAIL THE SOTONG QUEEN!

But as it goes, with such good friends, retarded things that one does only serve to provide laughter and a chance to strengthen friendship, as one humbly, contritely begs to borrow clothes, and the friends extend a much-needed, but undeserved hand of grace. And let one rummage through their wardrobe.

Today, I had a FANTASTIC Sunday with a bunch of crazy church ppl. ^^^^^ It was really really nice to see everyone again, esp with all the smiles, the "HI-IIIIII"s, and "HEY, you're back!"s. ^^ Had Poiema cell groups, then their music lessons, then badminton, then some of us went to Tampines and hung out at the food court. Laughed until it hurt, and made noise until some old person on his/her (yeah, we couldn't decide if it was a man or a woman) way out, told us that our (laughing) volume level was inappropriate. :P Oooops, really didn't mean to. ^^'

And other stuff, and other stuff. There're a lot of people who contributed to my day, and they're too many to name. But to all of you who did (and even if you think you didn't you probably did in some way or other tt you don't realize), I thank you for an awesome day!! =D

Tiong Wei ah :), I know you're reading this, and I already said it to you in church, but I'm just gonna mention this here so other ppl can see, and so I don't forget it, hahah:
TW, one of the Poiemians at ASE, brought 2 friends with him to church today (and another one last week, so I heard?). He himself just recently accepted Christ, and it's so inspiring to see him active in reaching out to others. Embarassing too, because we long-time-already Christians are hardly that active. We're too passive, too lazy, too afraid, too daunted, too busy, too.... whatever. Oh, for, shame. We can't rely on missionaries, pastors, and the like, to spread the word. It WE who have to go out there and take responsibility. STOP, think about it. Take it seriously.

So, Tiong! Don't ever become like that, don't get complacent, don't let this passion for Christ that you have now get worn down and bridled by time. Be... like Joel. Who invited you to church in the first place. ^^

Ok now, time to sleep. And it's gonna be another great day tomorrow. :)

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